Do you plan on traveling anytime soon? Take a look at these tips to help you get the most out of an airline for your money. Bon Voyage!
Fearless Flying: Choose a good airline
Hawaiian Airlines: Pour it up
Yep, you heard right. This airline provides complimentary meals as well as bubbly beverages at no cost to the passenger. Hawaiian Airlines serves free-full tray meals to all of its guests. Usually, airlines reserve these perks for passengers who are traveling internationally or on long flights, but here, * Oprah voice* YOU get a meal, and YOU get a meal. Pretty awesome.
Jet Blue: Snacks and WiFi
This airline has an amazing perk of offering free wi-fi on their planes, called Fly-Fi. This service is available on all of their aircrafts and you can absolutely stream your favorite videos. If that isn’t great enough, they have no limit on the complimentary snacks that they offer. I’ve seen people shamelessly stock up on snacks to last the duration of the flight. Enjoy your time on Jet Blue’s airlines with their lovely perks.
Delta: Text away
Recently, Delta airlines began offering free text messaging for in-flight individuals. This service is exclusively compatible with several applications such as Messenger, iMessage, or WhatsApp. There are no hidden fees or hoops to jump through; this service is fully free. You won’t incur any roaming fees from your phone company as the messages are being transferred solely over the provided wi-fi. The only restriction is that video messaging isn’t supported. But hey, who needs to send videos in an airplane anyway? Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight.
Southwest Airlines: Check those bags
This is Sarah. Sarah just booked a flight with an airline that shall not be named. She thought she got a good deal for the ticket, but then saw that her baggage was not included in the price. An extra 60 dollars had to depart her purse in order to maintain her travel plans. Poor Sarah. Nowadays, many airlines have been keeping prices low in order to float with their competition. However, everything else is going to cost the passenger-seats, extra food, and baggage. However, there’s no need to worry when you’re flying Southwest Airlines. Southwest allows its passengers to check two bags:
“Southwest will accept the first two checked bags for free provided that the bags do not exceed 50 lbs and 62 inches (L+W+H). Overweight items from 51 to 100 pounds and oversized items in excess of 62 inches but not more than 80 inches will be accepted for a charge of $75.00 per item one-way.”
Another perk is that there is no charge for changing flights. The other airlines typically charge for the change itself and the price difference which can get pretty expensive. Southwest seems to be the airline to fly with if you’re really trying to save a few coins!
Fearless flying: Book great tickets
Here are some awesome websites that will help you with booking your tickets:
Momondo: This award-winning site will help you find exactly what you need based on your traveling tastes. The database searches thousands of airline websites and inexpensive carriers to help you find your perfect plane ticket.
Expedia: I’m sure you’ve heard of this site as its one of the most well-known travel companies. They have partnerships with other sites that bring you the best airfare deals. Can’t beat that!
Priceline: The best part about this website is that you can set your price. After that, you negotiate with airlines to find the fare that best suits you. Their network opens you up to several reasonable options as well.
Cheapflights: Presents the most affordable flights to anywhere you want to travel. They compare hundreds of booking sites to find the lowest possible price for you!
What are your favorite traveling tips? Have you made it to a far away land without spending tons of money? Share your experiences in the comment section!
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